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Lyons Township District Library

Internet Use Policy

Internet Use Policy

I. General Statements Regarding Internet:

A. Internet Access. The Lyons Township District Library provides access to a broad range of information resources, including those available through the Internet. Access to the Internet enables the library to expand its information services significantly.

B. Log-in Requirements. All users must sign the log-in chart with their First Name and Last Initial only, prior to beginning their session and have a signed Internet Use and Patron Responsibility Agreement on file.

C. Validity of Information. The Internet offers access to a wealth of information and Internet sites including useful ideas, information and opinions from around the world. However, not all sources on the Internet provide information that is accurate, complete or legal. Internet users will need to evaluate for themselves the validity of the information found.

D. Library does not Endorse Information on the Internet. Because the Internet is a vast and unregulated information network, it also enables access to information, ideas and commentary beyond the scope of the Library's mission, selection criteria, and collection development policies. The provision of access does not mean or imply that the Library endorses the content or point of view of any information or commentary that may be found on the Internet.

E. View Internet at Own Risk. The Internet may contain information that is controversial, sexually explicit or offensive. Library patrons use the Internet at their own risk. Parents or guardians of minor children are responsible for their child's use of the Internet through the Library's connection as stated more fully in Section IV, C and D.

II. Nature of the Public Library Setting

A. Respect Others. Because library users of all ages, backgrounds and sensibilities are using the computers, library patrons are asked to be sensitive to other's values and beliefs when accessing potentially controversial information and images.

B. Use with Caution of Risks. Patrons are cautioned that, because security in an electronic environment such as the Internet cannot be guaranteed, all transactions, files and communications are vulnerable to unauthorized access and use.

III. Patrons Under 18 Years of Age, Public Act 212 of 2000

A. Responsibility of Parents and Legal Guardians. As with other materials in the Library's collection, it is the Library's policy that parents or legal guardians are responsible for deciding which library resources are appropriate for their children.

The Library urges parents and guardians to discuss Internet use with their children and to monitor their use of this educational tool.

B. Access for Patrons Under 18 years of Age.

1. Unfiltered terminals. A parent or guardian must accompany and be sitting at the computer terminal with patrons under 18 years of age wishing to have access to unfiltered Internet workstations.

2. Filtered Terminals. A filtered terminal means the computer has a program installed that is designed to restrict minors from receiving obscene material or sexually explicit material that is deemed legally harmful to minors. Patrons under 18 yea s of age wishing to access any of the Library's workstations must have a signed Internet Use Agreement. The parent or guardian is required to sign this form, in person, at the Library.

C. Internet Use Agreement. All children under 18 years of age who do not have an Internet Use Agreement on file that has been signed by a parent or guardian will be denied Internet access.

D. E-mail and Related Internet Uses. All children under 18 years of age may only access electronic mail. Chatting or Discussion rooms and Social Networking Sites if they are "accompanied by their parent or guardian" in accordance with Public Act 212 that requires enforcement of a policy that restricts access to minors... from receiving obscene matter or sexually explicit matter. Accompanied by their parent or guardian means that the parent or guardian must be sitting at the computer terminal with the minor.

IV. Acceptable Use

All users of the Library's Internet connection and workstations are expected to use this resource in a responsible and courteous manner, and to follow all rules and procedures as established in this policy.

A. Lawful Use. The Library Internet connection and workstations shall be used in a lawful manner. Workstations cannot be used for any fraudulent or unlawful purpose prohibited under any applicable Federal, State of Michigan or local laws or ordinances.

B. Intellectual Property. Patrons must respect intellectual property rights and obey the copyright laws of the United States and all other intellectual property rights. Responsibility for any consequences of copyright infringement lies with the user. The library expressly disclaims any liability or responsibility resulting from such use.

C. Use Must Not be Harmful to Minors. Michigan law prohibits users from allowing minors access to sexually explicit materials. Internet Patrons shall not permit any minor to view sexually explicit material or any other material deemed legally harmful to minors.

D. Compliance with Code of Behavior. The same rules apply to the use of the Internet as with the use of any other Library materials. The Library has adopted a Patron Responsibility and Internet Policies which Patrons must comply with, which shall be posted in the Library.

E. Privacy. Patrons must respect the privacy of others by not misrepresenting oneself as another user; by not attempting to modify or gain access to files, passwords or data belonging to others; and by not seeking disallowed access to any computer system via the Internet.

F. Time Limit. The Library has a limited number of terminals. As a result. Internet Patrons shall understand that they do not have unlimited access to the Library's computers. The Patron shall limit use to thirty (30) minutes if other patrons are waiting. If no other patron is waiting, a patron can have another complete 30 minute session. Th  Patron may obtain extra time in thirty (30) minute increments, however, no patron may use the Library's Internet access more than two (2) hours per day.

G. Reimbursement. The Patron is responsible for reimbursements for all printing charges. Printer paper charges will be according to the current posted fee schedule, and must be paid for at the conclusion of the session. Students registered in any educational program may print up to ten (10) sheets of assigned schoolwork at no charge.

H. Personal Software Prohibited. The Patrons shall not use personal software, attach equipment to the Library's computers or networks or modify any operating system or network configuration. The Patron shall also be prohibited from uploading files to the library's computers.

I. Prohibited Uses. The Library's Internet Access shall not be used for personal profit, or commercial activities, including the sale of goods and services in an ongoing basis as a business, or fund raising.

J. Restriction of Use. Internet access will be restricted for anyone who does not comply with this Internet Use Policy. Patrons may appeal the temporary loss of Internet privileges to the Library Director and/or the Library Board using the procedure set forth in the Library's Patron Responsibility Policy.

Suspension of Privileges: Unless otherwise provided in this Policy, the Library shall handle violations as follows:

1. Initial Violation: Library users observed violating this policy will be asked to cease the violation with a verbal warning. If the patron does not comply with the request, they will be asked to leave the building for the day. If they refuse, police may be called.

2. Subsequent Violations: The Director or the Director's authorized designee may further limit the patron's library privileges if infractions continue. Such limitation shall be in writing specifying the nature and date of the violation. If repeated policy violations occur, additional suspensions will be at the discretion of the Director and/or Library Board.

K. Staff Assistance. Staff may assist library Patrons in getting started on the Internet. However, the library cannot guarantee that Internet-trained staff will be available to assist users at all times the Library is open. Because of the many different applications available on the Internet, staff may not be able to provide specialized or technical knowledge about a particular application, process, or procedure.


I understand and will abide by the Lyons Township District Library's Internet Use and Patron Responsibility Policies which are attached, that I have read. I further understand that any violation of the Policies is unethical and may constitute a criminal offense.

Should I commit any violation, my access privileges may be restricted as detailed in the Policies and appropriate legal action may be taken.

User's Name: ______________________________________________

User's Signature:___________________________________________


As the parent or guardian of this individual, I accept full responsibility for my minor child's adherence to the Lyons Township District Library's  Internet and Patron Responsibility Policies and agree to physically oversee my child's use of the Internet service where required.

I have read the attached Internet and Patron Responsibility Policies and I understand that the library's access to the Internet is intended and designed for educational and informational purposes. I will not hold the library responsible for materials or information acquired by my child with the library's Internet service.

I hereby give permission for my child to use the library's network for Internet access and certify that the information contained on this form is correct.

Parent's/Guardian's Name: _____________________________________

Parent's/Guardian's Signature:__________________________________



Upcoming Events
Winter Reading Program Jan 07, 2025 10:00 AM (US/Eastern)
Knitter's Circle Jan 29, 2025 11:00 AM (US/Eastern) — Lyons Township District Library
Writers Group Jan 30, 2025 10:00 AM (US/Eastern) — Lyons Township District Library
Game Night Jan 30, 2025 04:00 PM (US/Eastern) — Lyons Township District Library
Knitter's Circle Feb 05, 2025 11:00 AM (US/Eastern) — Lyons Township District Library
Accelerated Reader

Twin Rivers Students:

Take an AR test at the Lyons Library!


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